Το “ Επος ” του 2015 την 23η Ιουνιου

Το “ Επος ” του 2015 και άλλα συμβάντα της 23ης Ιουνίου :

Μικρή ιστορική αναδρομή σε πράξεις , δηλώσεις και γεγονότα που εκτυλίχθηκαν την συγκεκριμένη μέρα στο τραγικά “επικό” αρχικό διάστημα της πρώτης φοράς της αριστεράς στη διακυβέρνηση της χώρας

Παρακολουθήστε τον pluralismos.gr και τις καθημερινά προγραμματισμένες ιστορικές αναδρομές του…και ανατρέξτε στο αρχείο του

Παρακολουθήστε τα βίντεο κάνοντας κλικ στις παρακάτω εικόνες

  • Greek drama plays out on Wall Street

    Patrick Chovanec, Silvercrest Asset Management, explains why he thinks a Greek deal “won’t change anything” in the euro zone, and discusses how Greece’s debt crisis has impacted the markets. I’m a little bit cautious on U.S. equities, says Chovanec.
  • Hopes rise on new Greek proposal

    CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports Greece is willing to raise taxes on the rich and businesses to help meet its debt obligations.
  • How will Greece affect Asia markets

    Manishi Raychaudhuri, Asia Pacific equity strategist at BNP Paribas, says global crises like Greece have never been good news for Asian and emerging markets.
  • Tax avoidance in Greece

    CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera spoke with a ship engineer in Greece about the possibility of an exit from a euro.
  • New Greece plan raises a lot of taxes

    CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera reports on efforts by Greece and its creditors to figure out a deal and the protest on pension cuts.
  • Greece deal can and will be done:

    Paul Richards of UBS discusses all things Greece and provides his thoughts on a deal.
  • Hopes for Greek deal

    CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is live in Athens as Greece and its creditors try to hammer out an 11th-hour deal. Rallies continue as EU leaders head into the summit.

Παρακολουθήστε τα βίντεο κάνοντας κλικ στις παρακάτω εικόνες

Germans Must Move As Much as the Greeks: Nickel

Teneo Intelligence Senior Vice President Carsten Nickel discusses the Greek debt negotiations and the next steps for Greece. He speaks to Bloomberg’s Anna Edwards on “Countdown.” (Source: Bloomberg)…

Still Major Stumbling Blocks Ahead for Greece: Diebel

Aviva Investors Head of Macro Strategy Charles Diebel discusses the progress in the Greek debt negotiations and the remaining sticking points. He speaks to Bloomberg’s Anna Edwards on “Countdown…

New Reform Measures Show Greece is Getting Serious

European leaders gave Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s government 48 hours to make the final push needed to satisfy creditors and end a five-month standoff over aid that risks splitting the…

How Much Does Greece Impact Confidence In Europe?

Aviva Investors Head of Macro Strategy Charles Diebel and Bloomberg Intelligence’s David Powell discuss Euro Zone PMI data which is due out later today and the impact of the ECB’s QE program. They…

Cooler Heads Will Prevail in Greece: Thiel

BlackRock’s Scott Thiel discusses the possibility of compromise in Greece’s standoff with its creditors and why a deal would be a temporary fix. He speaks with Mark Barton on Bloomberg Television’s…

Current Bailout Extension Likely for Greece: Menuet

Citigroup Director of European Economics Guillame Menuet discusses possible outcomes in Greece’s continuing talks with its creditors and what that may mean for the whole of the EU. He speaks with…

Greek Deal Entices EU But Will It Work at Home?

Greece faces a final deadline to strike a debt deal after a marathon day of talks in Brussels. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols and Guy Johnson run down what the Greek government must do to complete a…

Greece Has Basis of Agreement With Creditors: Shaw

Talks between Greece and its international creditors on resolving the country’s debt crisis have progressed and the “basis of a proposal and an agreement is actually there,” Philip Shaw, Investec…

Greek Growth Key to Overcoming Depression: Bill Rhodes

executive officer at William R. Rhodes Global Advisors, discusses how growth is the key to fixing Greece’s economy and what need to happen if a deal is reached on the nation’s debt. He speaks on “Bloomberg…

Can Greece’s Government Survive a Debt Deal?

Business Economics Professor Nicholas Economides explains the political ramifications of the Greek debt crisis and what could happen to the nation’s government after a deal is reached. He speaks…

Can Greece Make Math Add Up in Debt Deal Plan?

Vamvakidis, head of G-10 FX strategy at Merrill Lynch, and Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols examine how the Greek Parliament may receive a debt deal plan and the potential of more debt relief for the nation as…

Syriza Hardliners Balk at Tsipras’ Reforms

deal between Greece and its creditors may be threatened by opposition at home. There is growing unhappiness within the governing Syriza party at what some lawmakers say is Greece bowing down to…

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Sources/Πηγές: Αρχείο της ΕΡΤ, ΕΡΤ, Τηλεοπτικός Σταθμός της Βουλής των Ελλήνων, pluralismos.gr, Κανάλι 6, Σαν Σήμερα, mini.press, ThePressRoom, DW Ελληνικά, StarTvGreece, CNBC, Bloomberg και Ασοσιέιτεντ Πρες